About Us

We believe in truth. We believe in accountability. We believe in community. We believe in God.


I know that - especially in today's world - it is getting harder and harder to live life openly as a Christ follower. But that is all the more reason we should live out our faith. The book of James talks about your life reflecting your words and beliefs; he tells us to - if I may say - if you talk the talk, walk the walk. Realistically speaking, our walk with Christ.


The Word says that we are a chosen people - God's special possession. We are here to grow the "coffee bean" or plant the "mustard seed" of your faith in God and in knowing that you are His child, and He loves you.



Our Writer


Our founder and main writer, Anne, is a full-time student out of a small town in Alabama. She wants to be a writer and is passionate about her hobby.

"I don't care about the clicks or how many people read it," she says. "I just want people to know that I love Jesus."


For questions or comments, see our Contact page or our blog!

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